Common data >  BP accounting tables >  Banking pools  

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This function is used to define various bank combinations (=bank pool) in order to automatically allocate the bank posting to the payments.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen


The pool parameterization is carried out by means of a table that identifies the various pool banks along with their respective weight in the combination.

Code and title

The key that is the basis for the identification of the pool is its code, entered with 1 to 10 alphanumeric characters.

The title, which should be descriptive, is used by default on the reports, search windows and entry masks. It is replaced by the short title whenever the display or printing constraints require it.


Using the site code and the company code, it is possible to link the bank pool to a financial site and/or a legal company.

Pool composition

The table is used to list all the banks making up the pool and to assign their respective weight within the pool. Remember that the total sum of the weights must equal 100.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Code (field POO)

Bank allocations are characterized by a code and are made of a group of banks associated with percentages.
These bank allocations can be used upon payment allocations to banks. (in order, for instance, to allocate 10% of checks to a bank, 30% to another one, etc.)

  • Description (field DES)

This field is used to link a description to its record. This description can be printed on the records, displayed when the record code is entered in a screen, or used on selection.
The title, used by default in the reports and entry masks is replaced by the short title when it is required by display and print constraints.

By default the short title, the long title or the column header of a data are recorded (on creation/update) in the connection language of the user.
You can add your translation in another language using the Translation function:

  • Click Translation from the Actions icon in the corresponding field.
  • In the Translation window, add a new language code with the translation in this language.

A user who logs on with this language will view the short description, long description or column header in their connection language if a translation exists. Otherwise, these descriptions will be available in the folder language.

SEEINFO The connection language must be defined as a default language for the folder.

Block number 2

  • Short description (field DESSHO)

Title used in some screens or reports when there is not enough space to view the long title.

By default the short title, the long title or the column header of a data are recorded (on creation/update) in the connection language of the user.
You can add your translation in another language using the Translation function:

  • Click Translation from the Actions icon in the corresponding field.
  • In the Translation window, add a new language code with the translation in this language.

A user who logs on with this language will view the short description, long description or column header in their connection language if a translation exists. Otherwise, these descriptions will be available in the folder language.

SEEINFO The connection language must be defined as a default language for the folder.

Block number 3

This title is associated with the previous code.

This is the code of the assignment company of the entity.
This optional zone makes it possible to specify entities common to several companies.

Grid Distribution

  • No. (field LIN)


Bank allocations are characterized by a code and are made of a group of banks associated with percentages.
These bank allocations can be used upon payment allocations to banks. (in order, for instance, to allocate 10% of checks to a bank, 30% to another one, etc.)

  • Percentage (field PRC)





By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  LISPOOL : Banking pools

This can be changed using a different setup.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :


"Bank account not hold by company XXX"

The banks within the pool must necessarily be attached to the same company as the one on which the pool is dependent.

"Bank of site XXX"

The banks within the pool must necessarily be attached to the same site as the one of the pool.

"XXX : "Not legal"

The company to which the pool is attached must be defined as a legal company.

"XXX : this is not a financial site"

The site to which the pool is attached must be defined as a financial site.

"Code already entered on line XX"

The principle of the pool is designed so as to prevent the same bank to occur twice in a combination.

"Sum of the percentages <> 100"

The sum of the weights assigned to the various banks within the pool must necessarily be equal to 100.

"Mandatory field"

The bank pool must be attached at least to a company or at best to the site itself that is attached to a company.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation